Well, I decided to create this blog to help me with my running. The idea being, by blogging it will help me stay motivated to get my runs in and to set larger running goals than I have to date. I have done 5k, 10k, and one half marathon so far, but for some reason I want to do a full marathon. Call it a challenge or fascination, maybe it is that my sister has done a handful of marathons and I want to do one too. Who knows.
I have my eye on a marathon in October and I have been trying to follow a running plan to get my mileage up in time for the race. Work travel and some injuries are making it a little tough, but so far my long runs are on schedule. It is challenging at times to juggle playing a soccer game with getting a run in because I don't want to do too much all at once. I may miss a couple runs over the next few days as well as I am travelling for a few days, but I will bring my running shoes and see what happens.
Back later...